[[We wrote a little bit about Carretera Austral in the previous article, but we will stay there for a while. Enjoy a few last glimpses of one of the most beautiful roads in the world - and finally some good weather too. :)///We wrote a little bit about Carretera Austral in the previous article, but we will stay there for a while. Enjoy a few last glimpses of one of the most beautiful roads in the world - and finally some good weather too. :)///O Carretere Austral sme vám písali už v minulom článku, no ešte chvíľu sme na nej pobudneme. Užite si s nami niekoľko posledných pohľadov na jednu z najkrajších ciest na svete - a konečne aj s krásnym počasím :)]]
[[Selfie with a condor - only in South America.///Selfie with a condor - only in South America.///Selfie s kondorom? Iba v Južnej Amerike.]]
[[After a beautiful drive with many photo breaks we finally made it to the General Carrera lake.///After a beautiful drive with many photo breaks we finally made it to the General Carrera lake.///Po krásnej ceste s početnými foto-pauzami sme sa nakoniec dostali k spomínanému jazeru General Carrera.]]
[[Lago General Carrera boasts beautiful turquoise blue bays, surrounded by rocky slopes and mountain peaks. It is the second largest lake in South America and has a bit of a split personality - it stretches across the border into Argentina, where they call it Lago Buenos Aires. :)///Lago General Carrera boasts beautiful turquoise blue bays, surrounded by rocky slopes and mountain peaks. It is the second largest lake in South America and has a bit of a split personality - it stretches across the border into Argentina, where they call it Lago Buenos Aires. :)///Lago General Carrera sa môže pýšiť krásnymi tyrkysovo modrými zátokami, obklopenými skalnatými svahmi a horskými štítmi. Je to druhé najväčšie jazero v Južnej Amerike a má trochu rozdvojenú osobnosť - tiahne sa cez hranicu Čile až do Argentiny, kde sa volá Lago Buenos Aires. :)]]
[[We were absolutely stunned by the turquoise blue colour of the lake, we just couldn't stop staring at it. I've never seen anything like that before, ever. Once again, no photoshop was needed for having these postcard like pictures :)///We were absolutely stunned by the turquoise blue colour of the lake, we just couldn't stop staring at it. I've never seen anything like that before, ever. Once again, no photoshop was needed for having these postcard like pictures :)///Boli sme uchvátení tou krásnou tyrkysovo modrou farbou a nevedeli sme sa vynadívať. Nikdy v živote som (Ivan) nič podobné nevidel. Zase raz nebolo treba ani photoshop na pohľadnicové zábery. :)]]
[[Everything comes to an end and that was also the case of Carretera Austral journey. We crossed to Argentina, had a long deserved shower and started the several hundred kilometer long journey through vast and deserted Argentinian Patagonia.///Everything comes to an end and that was also the case of Carretera Austral journey. We crossed to Argentina, had a long deserved shower and started the several hundred kilometer long journey through vast and deserted Argentinian Patagonia.///Všetkému je raz ale koniec a my sme prešli z Carretery Austral do Argentíny, dali si vytúženú sprchu a pustili sa do stoviek kilometrov absolútne opustených ciest do južnej časti patagónie.]]
[[Well... until next time. :)///Well... until next time. :)///Tak zase příště. :)]]