[[Our last day together in Torres del Paine - Tomáš was leaving us and Ivan drove him to the closest town Puerto Natales, so he could catch the bus to El Calafate... that never arrived....///Our last day together in Torres del Paine - Tomáš was leaving us and Ivan drove him to the closest town Puerto Natales, so he could catch the bus to El Calafate... that never arrived....///V tento deň nás opúšťal náš kamarát Tomáš, ktorého Ivan odviezol do Puerto Natales, aby stihol autobus do El Calafate, ktorý nikdy neprišiel…]]
[[He had a lot of bad luck on his way to Ushuaia. As we already mentioned, the bus that was supposed to take him to El Calafate didn't arrive. When he was buying the ticket a few days earlier in El Calafate, the guy behind the counter said he was supposed to get on the bus not on the bus station, but at the address of the agency. Strange, but we asked him twice and he even wrote down the address for us. So he waited there and Ivan had to drive back to get on a boat to catch us. He waited and waited... and the bus didn't arrive. He waited a bit more and a lady from the office arrived, surprised to see him there - all the buses leave from the bus station! After some chaotic moments (Tomáš doesn't speak spanish and the lady english), they were even more surprised, because he wasn't on the list of passengers at all...Somehow he managed to find another bus with the help of the lady, quickly ran to the bus station and barely made it.///He had a lot of bad luck on his way to Ushuaia. As we already mentioned, the bus that was supposed to take him to El Calafate didn't arrive. When he was buying the ticket a few days earlier in El Calafate, the guy behind the counter said he was supposed to get on the bus not on the bus station, but at the address of the agency. Strange, but we asked him twice and he even wrote down the address for us. So he waited there and Ivan had to drive back to get on a boat to catch us. He waited and waited... and the bus didn't arrive. He waited a bit more and a lady from the office arrived, surprised to see him there - all the buses leave from the bus station! After some chaotic moments (Tomáš doesn't speak spanish and the lady english), they were even more surprised, because he wasn't on the list of passengers at all...Somehow he managed to find another bus with the help of the lady, quickly ran to the bus station and barely made it./// Tomáš mal veľa nešťastia na jeho ceste do Ushuaje. Začalo to najprv autobusom v Puerto Natales, ktorý neprišiel. Keď si kupoval lístok v El Calafate na autobusovej stanici, podozrivo na rozdiel od spoločnosti, ktorou išla moja sestra, mu tvrdil “príjemný” pán, že má nastúpiť na inej adrese, ako je autobusová stanica. Ale tak pomysleli sme si, že možno naozaj odchádza z iného miesta. Tomáš teda čakal pri agentúre spoločnosti. Keď neskôr prišla slečna, ktorá tam pracovala, bola veľmi prekvapená, že ho tam vidí a nejakým spôsobom si vykomunikovali (Tomáš nehovorí španielsky a slečna zase anglicky), že nielenže autobus neodchádza odtiaľ, ale ona ho ani v zozname nemá. Podarilo sa jej nájsť autobus inej spoločnosti, ktorý v ten deň odchádzal a mal ešte voľné miesto. Rýchlo sa presunul k autobusovej stanici a ledva ledva stihol autobus.]]
[[Story continues - after he arrived to El Calafate, he wanted to make online check-in for the flight to Ushuaia he bought before, as you can only do that 24h before the departure. There he found out... that he can't do the online check-in, because apparently the price he booked it for was only for Argentinian nationals (which wasn't obviously stated anywhere and the system let him do it) - and he needed to book a new flight, obviously for 2.5x the price... Cherry on a top of a cake - he had booked a transport to the airport for the next morning, and of course the transport was late and he almost didn't make it. Maybe tired, but he fulfilled his dream and went to see the end of the world :) And almost spent the christmas in South America ;-)///Story continues - after he arrived to El Calafate, he wanted to make online check-in for the flight to Ushuaia he bought before, as you can only do that 24h before the departure. There he found out... that he can't do the online check-in, because apparently the price he booked it for was only for Argentinian nationals (which wasn't obviously stated anywhere and the system let him do it) - and he needed to book a new flight, obviously for 2.5x the price... Cherry on a top of a cake - he had booked a transport to the airport for the next morning, and of course the transport was late and he almost didn't make it. Maybe tired, but he fulfilled his dream and went to see the end of the world :) And almost spent the christmas in South America ;-)///V El Calafate si chcel urobiť check-in na let do Ushuaji, kde však zistil, že to nie je možné, lebo cena, za ktorú si kúpil letenku, je len pre argentínčanov, čo sa samozrejme nikde na ich stránke, ani potvrdení o zaplatení ani nikde inde neuvádzalo. Takže si musel nanovo kúpiť letenku za o dosť vyššiu cenu. Na ráno mal dohodnutý odvoz na letisko, avšak microbus mu meškal a opäť len ledva ledva stihol let. Vyčerpaný si svoj deň na konci sveta užil možno menej ako plánoval, ale šťastne odtiaľ odletel domov a nestrávil Vianoce na konci sveta :)]]
[[Meanwhile, Ivan restocked our food in Puerto Natales (mostly sweet stuff), got some fuel and hurried to get back to us. In the morning we had taken a ferry so we could get to the campground. Just after going off the ferry, there is a guard post of park guards (weird english,sorry), where you have to register if you want to stay at the campground Italiano, as there's limited space - if you go there, do it asap so you get on, the guard told Ivan that it's full, but let him pass since we told him about Ivan. We continued with the 3 hour hike to the campground, it was raining a bit so the trail was muddy and it was a bit hard on me, especially with the backpack. Finally, we made it to the campground, quickly set up the tent and tried to not get wet or frozen from the rain and cold. Then it was just waiting... and hoping Ivan will make it to the ferry(he was supposed to take most of the food). He did make it, quite quickly despite the enormous load of the food (Ivan's note: I was hungry when packing...and buying the sweets). Because he was out there that late, he met quite a lot of different animals as all the people were gone already. Here are some of them :)///Meanwhile, Ivan restocked our food in Puerto Natales (mostly sweet stuff), got some fuel and hurried to get back to us. In the morning we had taken a ferry so we could get to the campground. Just after going off the ferry, there is a guard post of park guards (weird english,sorry), where you have to register if you want to stay at the campground Italiano, as there's limited space - if you go there, do it asap so you get on, the guard told Ivan that it's full, but let him pass since we told him about Ivan. We continued with the 3 hour hike to the campground, it was raining a bit so the trail was muddy and it was a bit hard on me, especially with the backpack. Finally, we made it to the campground, quickly set up the tent and tried to not get wet or frozen from the rain and cold. Then it was just waiting... and hoping Ivan will make it to the ferry(he was supposed to take most of the food). He did make it, quite quickly despite the enormous load of the food (Ivan's note: I was hungry when packing...and buying the sweets). Because he was out there that late, he met quite a lot of different animals as all the people were gone already. Here are some of them :)///Ivan medzičasom v Puerto Natales natankoval, doplnil zásoby chutného jedla a ponáhľal sa za nami. My sme vyrazili ráno na katamaran a presunuli sa do kempu Italiano. Po vylodeni je kúsok za hotelom s kempom stanoviskom strážcov parku, kde je potrebné sa zaregistrovať, aby ste mali miesto v kempe Italiano. Urobte tak čo najskôr, lebo môže byť plný. Keď išiel Ivan večer za nami, tak mu už strážnik hovoril, že je plno. Keď sme išli ku kempu zľahka pršalo, hlavne posledné dni, takže cesta bola blatistá a s ruksakmi pre mňa aj o dosť náročnejšia. Po vyše 3 hodinách (7,5 km) sme dorazili do kempu, rýchlo postavili stan a snažili sa pri tom čo najmenej zmoknúť a mrznúť. Potom nám už neostávalo nič iné ako len počkať na Ivana a dúfať, že to stihne. Ivan všetko stihol, dokonca aj s plným ruksakom za nami stihol rýchlo dobehnúť. Cestou stretol zaujímavé tvory, ktoré sa s večerom začali vynárať.]]
[[The next day, it was beautiful and sunny, no sign from the rain we had the day before...yes. Time for some trekking.///The next day, it was beautiful and sunny, no sign from the rain we had the day before...yes. Time for some trekking.///Na ďalší deň sa vyjasnilo, nepršalo a my sme mali perfektné podmienky na túru.]]
[[We had to pack our tent and leave the backpacks to the campground guard, as the camping is only allowed there for one night. We headed for the Valle Francés afterward - a two hour hike to the first viewpoint, where you can watch the glacier Francés(check) and see small avalanches(check). We continued further on, but had to turn around about an hour later, otherwise we wouldn't catch the ferry back to our car and my sister wouldn't catch her bus the next day. Ivan literally ran uphill so he can take a few more pictures :)///We had to pack our tent and leave the backpacks to the campground guard, as the camping is only allowed there for one night. We headed for the Valle Francés afterward - a two hour hike to the first viewpoint, where you can watch the glacier Francés(check) and see small avalanches(check). We continued further on, but had to turn around about an hour later, otherwise we wouldn't catch the ferry back to our car and my sister wouldn't catch her bus the next day. Ivan literally ran uphill so he can take a few more pictures :)///Museli sme však stan zbaliť a nechať ruksaky pri strážcovi parku, pretože kempovanie je povolené len na jednu noc. Následne sme vyrazili smerom k Valle Francés. Približne dve hodiny sme išli k prvej výhliadke, kde sme si oddýchli a sledovali ľadovec Francés ako sa sem tam zosúvajú menšie lavíny. Potom sme sa rozhodli pokračovať ďalej. Kedže sme však dnes potrebovali stihnúť poslednú loď naspäť, nemali sme dostatok času ísť až do konca. Ja som to skoro zabalila a Ivan si išiel ešte rýchlo vybehnúť aspoň časť úseku.]]
[[He made it up till this point and had to return... and was a bit sad not to see the viewpoint he wanted. Well, one more reason to go back :)///He made it up till this point and had to return... and was a bit sad not to see the viewpoint he wanted. Well, one more reason to go back :)///Ďalej sa nedostal, musel sa vrátiť, aby sme stihli katamaran naspäť. Taktiež si však neužil vytúžený pohľad, pretože sa musel vrátiť za nami, aby sme to stihli. Bude mu musieť niečo ostať do ďalšej návštevy.]]
[[Info for travellers: it should be possible to make this hike on one day - while waiting in the line for the ferry I've seen a couple of travellers that did it - arrived in the morning, left in the evening with us. The official time to do that is 5.5 hours from the ferry to the last viewpoint, one way only... so I'm not sure how they did it, but they did. What you can do is camp right in the first campsite next to Paine Grande, go the next morning to see the Valle Francés and even see the glacier Grey the next day. Plenty of options here :)///Info for travellers: it should be possible to make this hike on one day - while waiting in the line for the ferry I've seen a couple of travellers that did it - arrived in the morning, left in the evening with us. The official time to do that is 5.5 hours from the ferry to the last viewpoint, one way only... so I'm not sure how they did it, but they did. What you can do is camp right in the first campsite next to Paine Grande, go the next morning to see the Valle Francés and even see the glacier Grey the next day. Plenty of options here :)///Pri čakaní na loď som si všimla jednu skupinu, ktorá si Valle Francés dala ako jednodňový trek, ráno prišli a večer ešte stihli odísť. Oficiálne podľa mapky je odhadovaný čas celkovo 5,5 hodiny (12,5 km) k poslednej výhliadke. Nie som si istá, ako to stihli, ale čo by sa podľa mňa určite dalo zvládnuť, je zakempiť v prvom kempe, hneď pri Paine Grande, na ďalší deň ráno ísť a vrátiť sa večer naspať a ďalší deň ešte vyraziť k ľadovcu Grey (11 km, približne 3,5 hodiny).]]
[[Local inhabitants of the lake :)///Local inhabitants of the lake :)///Lokálni obyvatelia jazera.]]
[[Last views from the ferry///Last views from the ferry///Posledné pohľady z katamaranu.]]
[[And this time, it's really time to put and end to our story from Torres del Paine. Goodbye and... we'll be back one day. :)///And this time, it's really time to put and end to our story from Torres del Paine. Goodbye and... we'll be back one day. :)///Naozaj posledné zbohom Národnemu Parku Torres del Paine a našej foto-story z neho. Zbohom...alebo skôr dovidenia :)]]
[[Useful information:///Useful information:///Praktické informácie:]]
[[The schedule of the ferry on Lake Pehoé(Hielos Patagonicos) from October to April:///The schedule of the ferry on Lake Pehoé(Hielos Patagonicos) from October to April:///Katamarán na Lago Pehoé (Hielos Patagonicos), od októbra do apríla premáva nasledovne:]]
[[-October to mid November - one daily, 12:00 from Pudeto and 12:30 from Lodge Payne Grande///-October to mid November - one daily, 12:00 from Pudeto and 12:30 from Lodge Payne Grande///- od októbra len raz denne o 12:00 z Pudeto a o 12:30 z Lodge Payne Grande,]]
[[-starting mid November they add 18:00 from Pudeto and 18:30 back///-starting mid November they add 18:00 from Pudeto and 18:30 back///- od prvej polky novembra je pridaný odchod o 18:00 a návrat o 18:30,]]
[[-from November 16 to March 15 there is also morning ferry leaving 9:30 from Pudeto and 10:00 back///-from November 16 to March 15 there is also morning ferry leaving 9:30 from Pudeto and 10:00 back///- od 16. novembra do 15. marca je aj ranný spoj o 9:30 a odchod 10:00,]]
[[-from mid march there is no morning ferry, and in April there is only the midday one again///-from mid march there is no morning ferry, and in April there is only the midday one again///- od druhej polky marca je zrušený ranný spoj a v apríli je opäť len obedňajší spoj.]]
[[One way ticket was 15 000 clp, or about 20eur last season (2015), return ticket is 24 000 clp (around 32 eur). They officially charge 5 000 clp for backpacks, but we weren't asked for this. You can buy the tickets in the coffee shop next to the lake. Also, there is no ferry on December 25 and January 1... and the ferry can be delayed or cancelled if the weather is bad. That would be all - plan ahead and leave yourself a lot of time :) It's worth it.///One way ticket was 15 000 clp, or about 20eur last season (2015), return ticket is 24 000 clp (around 32 eur). They officially charge 5 000 clp for backpacks, but we weren't asked for this. You can buy the tickets in the coffee shop next to the lake. Also, there is no ferry on December 25 and January 1... and the ferry can be delayed or cancelled if the weather is bad. That would be all - plan ahead and leave yourself a lot of time :) It's worth it.///Jednosmerný lístok bol minulú sezónu 15 000 clp (okolo 20 eur) a obojsmerný 24 000 clp (okolo 32 eur). Ďalších 5 000 clp za ruksaky si od nás nikto nepýtal. Lístky sa kupujú v kaviarni pri jazere. Nepremávajú 25. decembra a 1. januára. Odchod lode môže byť odložený alebo zrušený kvôli zlému počasiu.]]