Sergio & Daniela
[[This second wedding we shot in Bolivia was right the next weekend after the beautiful wedding of Omar and Ana. We got contacted by Grace, and was she a joy to work with :) She wrote us on her own, explained everything and met us prior to the wedding. They own a beautiful place Los Duendes in the southern part of La Paz, actually near from the place we were staying. We had to prolong our visa and vehicle permit in order to do so, but we are so glad we did :)///This second wedding we shot in Bolivia was right the next weekend after the beautiful wedding of Omar and Ana. We got contacted by Grace, and was she a joy to work with :) She wrote us on her own, explained everything and met us prior to the wedding. They own a beautiful place Los Duendes in the southern part of La Paz, actually near from the place we were staying. We had to prolong our visa and vehicle permit in order to do so, but we are so glad we did :)///Naša ďalšia svadba sa odohrala hneď nasledovný víkend po svadbe Omara a Anny. Veľmi milo sa nám na začiatku ozvala Grace, ktorá vlastní krásne priestory Los Duendes, že sa u nich chystá svadba, ktorá by sa nám mohla páčiť. Po stretnuti s Grace sme sa rozhodli zdokumentovat svadbu Sergia a Daniely a tak sme si radi predlzili pobyt v Bolivii.]]
[[During the wedding, Grace was all the time there on the right spot, taking care and coordinating the preparations, ceremonies and the reception. They used the Los Duendes beautiful garden to it's full potential - there were different decorations here and there, that caught the attention of the guests and made sure they were enjoying their time. The ceremonies (religious and civil, more on that later) were also happening in two different places. The civil ceremony was scheduled for the midday, so there were beautiful small parasols prepared for the guests.///During the wedding, Grace was all the time there on the right spot, taking care and coordinating the preparations, ceremonies and the reception. They used the Los Duendes beautiful garden to it's full potential - there were different decorations here and there, that caught the attention of the guests and made sure they were enjoying their time. The ceremonies (religious and civil, more on that later) were also happening in two different places. The civil ceremony was scheduled for the midday, so there were beautiful small parasols prepared for the guests.///Grace sa celý čas starala o plynulý chod príprav, obradu a hostiny. Využili naplno potenciál krásnej veľkej záhrady, na ktorej boli rozmiestnené rôzne dekorácie, ktoré upútali a zabavili čakajúcich hostí. Zároveň sa jednotlivé obrady konali na rôznych miestach. Civilný v ovocnom sade a cirkevny, o par hodin neskor, v altánku. Keďže sa civilný obrad odohrával okolo poludnia, boli pre hostí pripravené krásne farebné slnečníky.]]
[[After the ceremony, it was time for the symbolic "pouring of sand" - the newlyweds are pouring sand of two different colours into one vase, symbolizing the inseparability of the couple. After that a simple but beautiful prayer and throwing some flower petals on the couple when they were leaving :)///After the ceremony, it was time for the symbolic "pouring of sand" - the newlyweds are pouring sand of two different colours into one vase, symbolizing the inseparability of the couple. After that a simple but beautiful prayer and throwing some flower petals on the couple when they were leaving :)///Po obrade nechýbalo spoločné symbolické sypanie piesku, symbolizujuce nerozlúčiteľnosť páru v manželstve, úprimná modlitba a na záver hostia hádzali lupienky kvetov na mladomanželov.]]
[[While waiting for the civil ceremony to begin, the time was usefully spent by taking pictures with family and friends and some refreshments. After that it was time for the first dance and for a toast. :)///While waiting for the civil ceremony to begin, the time was usefully spent by taking pictures with family and friends and some refreshments. After that it was time for the first dance and for a toast. :)///Čakanie na civilný obrad si skrátili spoločným fotením a chutným občerstvením. Potom nasledoval prvý tanec a prípitky.]]
[[After touching toasts full of love and best wishes, we moved to civil ceremony that took place in the summer house outside. An interesting fact about marriages in Bolivia - the official civil ceremony is always mandatory. If you wish to have a religious ceremony, you just have to have two ceremonies. So that's what most people do.///After touching toasts full of love and best wishes, we moved to civil ceremony that took place in the summer house outside. An interesting fact about marriages in Bolivia - the official civil ceremony is always mandatory. If you wish to have a religious ceremony, you just have to have two ceremonies. So that's what most people do.///Po dojemných prípitkoch plných lásky, prianí a dobrých rád sme sa presunuli do altánku, kde sa odohrával cirkevný obrad. Menšia zaujímavosť ohľadom svadby v Bolívii - ak chcete mať cirkevný obrad, vždy musí nasledovať (alebo predchádzať) aj ten civilný - takže obrady musíte mať dva separátne. Nedá sa proste podpísať papier navyše pre štát. :)]]
[[Being in Bolivia, it would be no wedding without traditional salteñas as a starter.///Being in Bolivia, it would be no wedding without traditional salteñas as a starter.///Ako predjedlo nemohli chýbať tradičné salteñas.]]
[[There was a number of surprises waiting for the guests. The first one, which was news also for the newlyweds, was from Daniela's brother - he was singing for a couple dancing contemporary ballet. It was simply brilliant.///There was a number of surprises waiting for the guests. The first one, which was news also for the newlyweds, was from Daniela's brother - he was singing for a couple dancing contemporary ballet. It was simply brilliant.///Na hostí počas večera čakali viaceré prekvapenia. Hneď prvým bolo prekvapenie aj pre mladomanželov od Danielinho brata, ktory svojim spevom sprevádzal baletné vystupenie. Všetkých hostí dokonale uchvátili.]]
[[Later during the evening, there was a flash mob - Daniela's brother pretended to break a glass to catch the attention of the guests and they started to dance... and then many and many people joined them and danced in a prepared choreography. Sweet :)///Later during the evening, there was a flash mob - Daniela's brother pretended to break a glass to catch the attention of the guests and they started to dance... and then many and many people joined them and danced in a prepared choreography. Sweet :)///Neskôr hostí zabavili mladomanželia a družičky s družbami pripraveným tanečným vystúpením, ktore začalo necakane, takzvaný flash mob. Pozornosť hostí upútali rozbitím pohárika a potom sa to cele spustilo - a začali sa pridávať ďalší a ďalší účinkujúci. Svojim vystúpením tak plynulo prešli do tanečnej zábavy.]]
[[It wouldn't be a wedding without the cake cutting either :) The cake was delicious, they definitely know how to make an excellent wedding cake in Bolivia. The whole party ended with the bouquet & garter toss... with a small twist. It wasn't garter but boutonniere toss...and the guys jumped away from it when groom threw it to them :) In the end, there was one brave man who saved the party and picked it up - kudos to you, brave guy. :)///It wouldn't be a wedding without the cake cutting either :) The cake was delicious, they definitely know how to make an excellent wedding cake in Bolivia. The whole party ended with the bouquet & garter toss... with a small twist. It wasn't garter but boutonniere toss...and the guys jumped away from it when groom threw it to them :) In the end, there was one brave man who saved the party and picked it up - kudos to you, brave guy. :)///Samozrejme nechýbalo spoločné krájanie torty (bola vynikajúca, v Bolívii rozhodne vedia ako sa pečú svadobné torty), hádzanie kytice. Ženích hádzal svoje svadobné pierko, pred ktorým všetci slobodní muži radšej utiekli :) Nakoniec sa však našiel jeden smelý mladik..]]
[[There was still one more thing to happen - Daniela prepared and sang a song for Sergio, singing together with her brother. They were really excellent, it shows they both love singing.///There was still one more thing to happen - Daniela prepared and sang a song for Sergio, singing together with her brother. They were really excellent, it shows they both love singing.///Na zaver večera si nevesta Daniela pripravila pre Sergia jednu pieseň, počas ktorej ju sprevádzal aj jej brat. Spievanie majú tuším v rodine.]]
[[Dear Daniela and Sergio, we wish you from the depths of our hearts, that for the rest of your lives you'd as happy and in love as during this special day. Thank you for letting us be part of it.///Dear Daniela and Sergio, we wish you from the depths of our hearts, that for the rest of your lives you'd as happy and in love as during this special day. Thank you for letting us be part of it.///Drahá Daniela a Sergio, z celého srdca vám úprimne želáme, aby ste boli po zvyšok svojho života štastní a zamilovaní minimálne tak, ako v tento krásny deň. Ďakujeme, že sme mohli byť jeho súčasťou.]]
[[Our deepest thank you is also for Grace from Los Duendes, that didn't wait around and replied to our proposal of a wedding shoot, tried her best to help us and to get also a more traditional wedding (Quechua, Aymara). Thank you Grace, it was our pleasure to work with you and we hope it wasn't the last time we're seeing each other - you're welcome in Europe too :)///Nuestro más profundo agradecimiento es para Grace de Los Duendes también, que no se quedó esperando y respondió a nuestra propuesta sobre la boda, hizo todo lo posible para ayudarnos y para obtener una boda más tradicional también (quechua, aymara). Gracias Gracia, fue un placer trabajar contigo y esperamos que nos veamos una vez más - tal vez en Europa? :)///Naše úprimné ďakujem patrí hlavne Grace z Los Duendes, ktorá neváhala a ozvala sa nám na našu ponuku svadobného fotenia a snažila sa nám pomôcť zohnať aj tradičnejšiu svadbu(Quechua, Aymara). Veľmi pekne ďakujeme, bola naozaj radosť a potešenie s tebou spolupracovať. Dúfame, že sa nevidime naposledy, ale aj v Európe, kde si srdečne vítaná. :)]]