[[Welcome in Bolivia! :) After several weeks we spent in the country's capital Sucre (less known fact btw, most people think that the capital is La Paz), we moved to the country's beating heart and the largest city in Bolivia - La Paz. There will be a separate article about the incredible valley-filling city later, but now we'll focus on the wedding. After a few unsuccessfull attempts to find a wedding in the rest of the country, we wrote to probably all of the wedding agencies, hotels, places and anything wedding related - and it paid off :) The first wedding was in a beautiful place owned by El Alamo Blanco.///Welcome in Bolivia! :) After several weeks we spent in the country's capital Sucre (less known fact btw, most people think that the capital is La Paz), we moved to the country's beating heart and the largest city in Bolivia - La Paz. There will be a separate article about the incredible valley-filling city later, but now we'll focus on the wedding. After a few unsuccessfull attempts to find a wedding in the rest of the country, we wrote to probably all of the wedding agencies, hotels, places and anything wedding related - and it paid off :) The first wedding was in a beautiful place owned by El Alamo Blanco.///Vitajte v Bolívii :) Po niekoľkých týždňoch strávených v hlavnom meste Sucre (inak málo známy fakt, väčšina ľudí považuje za hlavné mesto La Paz) sme sa presunuli do La Paz, najväčšieho mesta v Bolívii. Článok o samotnom neskutočnom meste príde neskôr, tak teraz o svadbe. Po neúspešných pokusoch vo zvyšku krajiny sme kontaktovali snáď všetky známe svadobné salóny a priestory, kde organizujú svadby - a oplatilo sa :) Ozvali sa nám z dvoch miest a prvá svadba bola v priestoroch El Alamo Blanco, hneď ďalší víkend.]]
[[Before the wedding, we met the owners - Eduardo and Paola, and went through all the details of the wedding. Both of them are very warm and friendly, it certainly shows that they've been doing this for many years and that they love their job, everything was organized very well. :) In southern part of La Paz, they have their "Casa de Campo" - a beautiful venue for the ceremony and reception, with the view on the mountains. The place is ideal for weddings, but also any other event, too - they offer the complete package. That means catering, waiters, huge outdoor tents, inventory, decoration, music... just about anything you want :)///Before the wedding, we met the owners - Eduardo and Paola, and went through all the details of the wedding. Both of them are very warm and friendly, it certainly shows that they've been doing this for many years and that they love their job, everything was organized very well. :) In southern part of La Paz, they have their "Casa de Campo" - a beautiful venue for the ceremony and reception, with the view on the mountains. The place is ideal for weddings, but also any other event, too - they offer the complete package. That means catering, waiters, huge outdoor tents, inventory, decoration, music... just about anything you want :)///Stretli sme sa s Eduardom a Paolou u nich doma, aby sme prebrali podrobnosti svadby a dohodli sa, kedy sa stretneme. Obaja sú veľmi príjemní a priateľskí, bolo na nich vidno, že majú všetko pripravené a zorganizované nakoľko už majú niekoľkoročné skúsenosti. V južnej časti La Paz, približne 10 km od centra majú krásny pozemok s veľkou záhradou a menším domčekom, ktorý je prispôsobený na organizovanie rôznych eventov. Ponúkajú kompletný balík, vrátane cateringu, obsluhy, prenájmu vonkajších stanov, inventáru, hudby, výzdoby, všetkého na čo si len spomeniete.]]
[[One more sweet thing - being the dry season in Bolivia, it might be colder in the evening, but at least you can 100% count on no rain, sweet :) Actually, in our 1.5 month stay in Bolivia, it rained once - for 5 minutes.///One more sweet thing - being the dry season in Bolivia, it might be colder in the evening, but at least you can 100% count on no rain, sweet :) Actually, in our 1.5 month stay in Bolivia, it rained once - for 5 minutes.///Ešte jedna príjemná skutočnosť - keďže v júli majú v Bolívii sezónu sucha, po zotmení je síce chladno, ale počas dňa veľmi príjemne a môžete sa na 100% spoľahnúť, že nebude pršať, paráda :) Popravde, počas našeho 1,5 mesačného pobytu v Bolívii pršalo len raz - aj to na 5 minút.]]
Ana & Omar
[[For their wedding, Ana & Omar have chosen a bit different color palette - black and blue colors with white roses - very elegant.///For their wedding, Ana & Omar have chosen a bit different color palette - black and blue colors with white roses - very elegant.///Na svadobnú výzdobu si vybrali netradičnú čierno-modrú kombináciu s bielymi ružami, ktorá pôsobila veľmi elegantne.]]
[[Upon the arrival, the guest received a small "badge" with the initials of Ana and Omar and the colors of La Paz in the background. Actually, the day of the wedding itself was the anniversary of the city of La Paz - 16 July 1809 was the beginning of the revolution of La Paz, that lead to the temporary freedom from Spain and the declaration of independence.///Upon the arrival, the guest received a small "badge" with the initials of Ana and Omar and the colors of La Paz in the background. Actually, the day of the wedding itself was the anniversary of the city of La Paz - 16 July 1809 was the beginning of the revolution of La Paz, that lead to the temporary freedom from Spain and the declaration of independence.///Pri príchode hostia dostávali odznačiky s iniciálkami snúbencov a na pozadí boli farby mesta La Paz (16. júl je výročie mesta La Paz, pretože sa od tohto dátumu v roku 1809 datuje začiatok La Paz revolúcie, ktoré viedlo k dočasnému oslobodeniu sa od Španielska a deklarácii nezávislosti).]]
[[The wedding wouldn't start well without Bolivia's traditional salteñas, served as a starter. They are something like their more known sisters, empanadas - the shape and the filling are a bit different, though. These were probably the best salteñas we tried in Bolivia. :)///The wedding wouldn't start well without Bolivia's traditional salteñas, served as a starter. They are something like their more known sisters, empanadas - the shape and the filling are a bit different, though. These were probably the best salteñas we tried in Bolivia. :)///Ako predjedlo nemohli chýbať tradičné bolívijské salteñas a boli vynikajúce, zatiaľ najlepšie v celej Bolívii :) Sú veľmi podobné empanádam, len majú iný tvar a mierne odlišnú plnku a spôsob výroby.]]
[[There were two ceremonies, religious followed by the civil one, starting at midday. They were very beautiful :) In the end of the religious ceremony, there was also one special custom we've never seen - the priest asked the newlyweds to fill a vase with two different types of sand, together, as a symbol of their inseparable life together. :)///There were two ceremonies, religious followed by the civil one, starting at midday. They were very beautiful :) In the end of the religious ceremony, there was also one special custom we've never seen - the priest asked the newlyweds to fill a vase with two different types of sand, together, as a symbol of their inseparable life together. :)///Obrad bol naplánovaný na 12:00, najprv bol cirkevný a po ňom nasledoval civilný. Počas cirkevného obradu vyzval oddávajúci novomanželov, aby spoločne naplnili vázu s dvoma rozdielnymi pieskami, ktoré sú pred nimi a znázornili tak, že budú nerozlúčiteľní po zvyšok svojho života.]]
[[During the civil ceremony, the officiant asked the witnesses to put their hands on their hearts, literally, and swear that they don't know about any reason why the marriage should not proceed. :)///During the civil ceremony, the officiant asked the witnesses to put their hands on their hearts, literally, and swear that they don't know about any reason why the marriage should not proceed. :)///Na civilnom obrade, ktorý nasledoval hneď po cirkevnom, oddávajúca vyzvala svedkov, aby si dali doslova ruku na srdce a čestne prehlásili, že nevedia o žiadnych okolnostiach prekážajúcich ich manželstvu.]]
[[First dance, cutting the cake, bouquet & garter toss - no wedding would be complete without these. All of it was happening just a bit later :)///First dance, cutting the cake, bouquet & garter toss - no wedding would be complete without these. All of it was happening just a bit later :)///Nemohol chýbať prvý tanec, spoločné krájanie torty, či hádzanie kytice a podväzku, ktoré nasledovali neskôr.]]
[[During the last dance round, it's customary to play some traditional Bolivian music. We specially enjoyed this part :)///During the last dance round, it's customary to play some traditional Bolivian music. We specially enjoyed this part :)///Pri poslednom tanečnom kole si hostia zatancovali na tradičnú bolívijskú hudbu.]]
[[Ana and Omar, congratulations on your beautiful wedding and thank you very much for receiving us on your special day, we felt very welcome and honored to witness this special day with you. Bolivia will stay in our hearts for a long time :)///Ana and Omar, congratulations on your beautiful wedding and thank you very much for receiving us on your special day, we felt very welcome and honored to witness this special day with you. Bolivia will stay in our hearts for a long time :)///Ana a Omar, prajeme vám všetko dobré do spoločného života, gratulujeme k nádnernej svadbe a hlavne ďakujeme, že ste nás prijali a dovolili nám prežiť s vami tento krásny deň. Cítili sme sa veľmi príjemne a poctene :) Bolívia nám určite ostane v srdciach ešte dlho po našom odchode.]]
[[Huge thanks also to the El Alamo Blanco - Paola and Eduardo, for your professionalism and friendliness, we wouldn't have witnessed this day if it weren't for you two. Many many thanks, and Paola - if you ever go visit your sister in Prague, you're welcome to contact us too :)///Huge thanks also to the El Alamo Blanco - Paola and Eduardo, for your professionalism and friendliness, we wouldn't have witnessed this day if it weren't for you two. Many many thanks, and Paola - if you ever go visit your sister in Prague, you're welcome to contact us too :)///Veľká vďaka patrí aj agentúre El Alamo Blanco - Paola a Eduardo, ďakujeme vám za vašu profesionalitu, láskavosť a priateľskú ruku, nebyť vás dvoch, nikdy by sme tento krásny deň nezažili. Obrovská vďaka vám obom :) A pre Paulu - ak niekedy pôjdete navštíviť sestru do Prahy, ste u nás v Bratislave vítaní, je to kúsok. :)]]