[[The story of this wedding of Juan and Belén started humble - we had some problems finding a wedding in Argentina, because it was already April, the fall was coming and temperatures dropped together with the wedding season. We sent 45 e-mails to different places - and got only 3 replies from hotels, saying that sadly they don't host any more weddings. We almost gave up on a wedding in Argentina, when Triveo Eventos replied that they are planning a wedding soon. Great! :)///The story of this wedding of Juan and Belén started humble - we had some problems finding a wedding in Argentina, because it was already April, the fall was coming and temperatures dropped together with the wedding season. We sent 45 e-mails to different places - and got only 3 replies from hotels, saying that sadly they don't host any more weddings. We almost gave up on a wedding in Argentina, when Triveo Eventos replied that they are planning a wedding soon. Great! :)///Príbeh svadby Juana a Belén sa začal skromne - v Argentíne sme mali trochu problém zohnať svadbu, nakoľko už bol apríl, ktorý sprevádza chladnejšia jeseň, a s teplom skončila aj svadobná sezóna. Zo 45 mailov, ktoré Janka rozposlala sa jej naspäť ozvali až 3 hotely, že s poľutovaním už žiadne svadby neplánujú. Už keď sme strácali nádej, ozvali sa nám z Triveo Eventos ohľadom plánovanej svadby. Super! :)]]
[[Our journey took us back to the city of Córdoba, the Argentina's second largest city. But not so quick - for this unconventional wedding, we had to wait more than 3 weeks - so we spent the time productively, working (and drinking wine) in Mendoza. In the meanwhile, we had the opportunity to document the wedding of Caro and Victor, that we shared with you last week.///Our journey took us back to the city of Córdoba, the Argentina's second largest city. But not so quick - for this unconventional wedding, we had to wait more than 3 weeks - so we spent the time productively, working (and drinking wine) in Mendoza. In the meanwhile, we had the opportunity to document the wedding of Caro and Victor, that we shared with you last week.///Naše cesty nás teda opäť zaviedli do mesta Córdoba, druhého najväčšieho mesta Argentíny. Na túto nekonvenčnú svadbu sme si ale museli počkať vyše 3 týždňov, ktoré sme strávili pracovaním v Mendoze. Medzičasom sme mali príležitosť zúčastniť sa svadby Caro a Victora, ktorú sme s vami zdieľali minulý týždeň.]]
[[Belén a Juan decided to do things rather unconventional - at late hour and with the company of their friends. Or maybe it's just the Argentinian way, they live very late into the night :) Anyway, the reception was in Santa Barbara, beautiful complex located in southern Córdoba. Roughly 300 guests gathered and they were welcomed by beautifuly decorated hall and enjoyed the cocktail hour. The atmosphere was warm and there was also a band singing and playing on a guitar... Well, the wedding can begin! :)///Belén a Juan decided to do things rather unconventional - at late hour and with the company of their friends. Or maybe it's just the Argentinian way, they live very late into the night :) Anyway, the reception was in Santa Barbara, beautiful complex located in southern Córdoba. Roughly 300 guests gathered and they were welcomed by beautifuly decorated hall and enjoyed the cocktail hour. The atmosphere was warm and there was also a band singing and playing on a guitar... Well, the wedding can begin! :)///Belén a Juan sa rozhodli vziať trochu netradične - v neskorú večernú hodinu a v prítomnosti svojich priateľov. Svadba sa odohrávala v južnej časti mesta, v krásnych priestoroch Santa Barbara. Približne 300 hostí čakalo pripravené občerstvenie a pekná výzdoba plná farebných kvetov. Atmosféru príjemne dotvárala hudobná skupina. Svadba sa môže začať! :)]]
[[The midnight arrival of the wedding couple was introduced by a small dancing performance (not of the couple, of course :) ). Everybody was in a great mood and when Juan and Belén arrived, it was like they were two celebrities - everybody took out their cellphones and cameras and started shooting. :)///The midnight arrival of the wedding couple was introduced by a small dancing performance (not of the couple, of course :) ). Everybody was in a great mood and when Juan and Belén arrived, it was like they were two celebrities - everybody took out their cellphones and cameras and started shooting. :)///Polnočný príchod nevesty a ženícha uviedla tanečná skupina krátkym vystúpením. Všetci boli vo výbornej nálade a keď Juan a Belén prišli, bolo to úplne ako keby prichádzali dve celebrity. Všetci vybrali svoje mobily a fotoaparáty a začali ihneď fotiť.]]
[[After the grand welcome, it was time for the most important part - the ceremony itself. After a few brief words from the huge book, Juan said yes, looking very happy and excited. But then - something happened. Something unexpected, that I've never seen during my whole career as a wedding photographer.///After the grand welcome, it was time for the most important part - the ceremony itself. After a few brief words from the huge book, Juan said yes, looking very happy and excited. But then - something happened. Something unexpected, that I've never seen during my whole career as a wedding photographer.///Po veľkolepom privítaní nastal čas na to najdôležitejšie - svadobný obrad. Po prečítaní pár krátkych viet z obradnej knihy Juan s nadšením súhlasil, že si vezme Belén. V tom sa ale stalo niečo absolútne nečakané - niečo, s čím som sa ešte počas svojej kariéry svadobného fotografa nestretol.]]
[[When the time came for Belén, she paused. It was clear that she got confused, uncertain... After a few, very long seconds of total quiet, Juan broke the silence with a bit shocked: "Belén!?"///When the time came for Belén, she paused. It was clear that she got confused, uncertain... After a few, very long seconds of total quiet, Juan broke the silence with a bit shocked: "Belén!?"///Keď prišiel čas na Belén, bolo na nej vidno, že zneistela a začala sa ostýchať... Nastala chvíľa ticha. Tú po niekoľkých sekundách prerušil až Juan s mierne šokovaným: "Belén!?"]]
[[Finally, Belén answered the most important question in her life. But the answer shocked us!///Finally, Belén answered the most important question in her life. But the answer shocked us!///Belén zo seba nakoniec dostala svoju odpoveď na najdôležitejšiu otázku v jej živote. A odpoveď všetkých zarazila!]]
[["No, I will not marry you. I just can't continue with this no more."///"No, I will not marry you. I just can't continue with this no more."///"Nie, nevezmem. Jednoducho nemôžem v tomto vzťahu pokračovať!"]]
[[The whole hall went crazy, some stunned in silence and some shouting. But Belén meant it - and after a while of persuasion, they got into a horrible fight.///The whole hall went crazy, some stunned in silence and some shouting. But Belén meant it - and after a while of persuasion, they got into a horrible fight.///Celá sála ostala s zatajeným dychom. Celá, až na Juana a Belén, ktorí po chvíli presviedčania upadli do zúrivej hádky.]]
[[Janka quickly took her camera and managed to snap a brief video, just so you can see how it really looked like.///Janka quickly took her camera and managed to snap a brief video, just so you can see how it really looked like.///Janka pohotovo začala robiť video, krátky kúsok sa jej podarilo zachytiť. Pripájame teda aj video, aby ste si to vedeli predstaviť.]]
[[It seemed that the wedding was over. The marriage officiant resigned and told the guests to leave - that she doesn't have anything to do there now. But this crazy evening had still one more surprise coming.///It seemed that the wedding was over. The marriage officiant resigned and told the guests to leave - that she doesn't have anything to do there now. But this crazy evening had still one more surprise coming.///Vyzeralo to tak, že sa svadba skončila. Oddávajúca rezignovala a odkázala hosťom, aby sa teda rozišli, lebo ona tu už nemá čo na práci. Ale tento neuveriteľný večer mal ešte jedno prekvapenie prichystané.]]
[[Quite incredibly and practically hollywood-like - Juan Simón, the groom's witness, decided to express his feelings to his girlfriend Abril, the bride's witness. Standing there, In front of everybody, he asked her to marry him!///Quite incredibly and practically hollywood-like - Juan Simón, the groom's witness, decided to express his feelings to his girlfriend Abril, the bride's witness. Standing there, In front of everybody, he asked her to marry him!///Neskutočné sa stalo skutočnosťou a ako v hollywoodskom filme sa Juan Simón, svedok ženícha, rozhodol vyznať city svedkyni a priamo pred všetkými ju požiadal o ruku!]]
[[She was very surprised...but ultimately said yes! Catching up so far? :) Because it's still not everything!///She was very surprised...but ultimately said yes! Catching up so far? :) Because it's still not everything!///A svedkyňa Abril povedala áno. Stíhate? Lebo ešte stále to nie je všetko. :)]]
[[Because all their friends were already there, Juan Simón suggested, that they would get married right there and the wedding can continue. At first Abril disagreed, because they didn't have their families with them, but Juan Simón convinced her that they'll do another small ceremony in a church for them. And noted that it would be a shame if all the money and effort their friends invested into the wedding would end up with nothing.///Because all their friends were already there, Juan Simón suggested, that they would get married right there and the wedding can continue. At first Abril disagreed, because they didn't have their families with them, but Juan Simón convinced her that they'll do another small ceremony in a church for them. And noted that it would be a shame if all the money and effort their friends invested into the wedding would end up with nothing.///Keďže všetkých svojich priateľov tu už mali, Juan Simón navrhol, aby sa teda zobrali tu a teraz a svadba môže pokračovať. Abril namietala, že tu predsa nemajú svoje rodiny, ale Juan Simón oponoval, že pre rodinu urobia malú komornú svadbu v kostole a predsa nevyhodia peniaze, ktoré ich priatelia investovali do organizácie tejto svadby.]]
[[So Abril agreed, and even with the blessing of the ex-newlyweds-to-be.///So Abril agreed, and even with the blessing of the now ex-newlyweds-to-be.///Abril nakoniec súhlasila, s požehnaním oboch už-bývalých-budúcich-mladomanželov.]]
[[If you are right now at the point of telling yourself, that this can't be real, that it sounds like a piece straight from a soup opera - besides the fact, that Argentina is famous for their soup operas - you are right. It's not real. :)///If you are right now at the point of telling yourself, that this can't be real, that it sounds like a piece straight from a soup opera - besides the fact, that Argentina is famous for their soup operas - you are right. It's not real. :)///Ak si v tomto momente už hovoríte, že to snáď ani nemôže byť pravda, že to znie ako vystrihnuté z telenovely - napriek faktu, že Argentína je známa produkciou telenoviel - máte pravdu. Svadba nebola pravá]]
[[Welcome to the Fake Wedding. :)///Welcome to the Fake Wedding. :)///Vitajte na falošnej svadbe. :)]]
Falsa boda
[[La Plata, Argentina. A group of five friends talks and realizes, that it's been very long since they've been to a wedding of their friends... or any wedding.///La Plata, Argentina. A group of five friends talks and realizes, that it's been very long since they've been to a wedding of their friends... or any wedding.///La Plata, Argentína. Skupinka piatich kamarátov si uvedomila, že už veľmi dlho neboli na svadbe svojich priateľov... vlastne, na žiadnej svadbe.]]
[[And it was this thought that brought them to this crazy, but genius invention - why not organize their own fake wedding, that they could attend and have some fun? With everything that makes wedding the real deal, formal dresscode, dance until the morning with great music and good food, and meet some new people. You don't even have to worry about the wedding gift for the newlyweds. :)///And it was this thought that brought them to this crazy, but genius invention - why not organize their own fake wedding, that they could attend and have some fun? With everything that makes wedding the real deal, formal dresscode, dance until the morning with great music and good food, and meet some new people. You don't even have to worry about the wedding gift for the newlyweds. :)///A práve táto myšlienka ich priviedla k zrodu ich úžasného nápadu - prečo si nezorganizovať vlastnú svadbu, na ktorú budú môcť prísť a zabaviť sa. So všetkým ako sa patrí, nahodiť sa do gala, tancovať do rána pri dobrej hudbe a vynikajúcom jedle, spoznať nových ľudí a nemusieť sa ani trápiť so svadobnými darmi.]]
[[They've chosen the right country for this - there has been a strong decline in a number of weddings in Argentina. From 1990 to 2014, the annual number of couples that decided to go this path dropped to half, not mentioning the increasing age of newlyweds.///They've chosen the right country for this - there has been a strong decline in a number of weddings in Argentina. From 1990 to 2014, the annual number of couples that decided to go this path dropped to half, not mentioning the increasing age of newlyweds.///Krajinu si vybrali dobre - v Argentíne výrazne klesá počet svadieb - keď porovnáme rok 1990 a 2014, tak v samotnom hlavnom meste Buenos Aires klesol na polovicu, rovnako sa posúva vekový priemer, kedy sa páry sobášia a taktiež stúpa počet registrovaných partnerstiev.]]
[[Well, so in 2013 the guys from Triveo Eventos organized their first "fake wedding" - Falsa Boda. The event was a blazing success - it was completely sold out and their Falsa Boda became a hit. The events quickly went viral and the project was featured in various media in Argentina and around the world, not mentioning the social media success. Until now, their fake weddings hosted several thousand people, that attended the event for different reasons - from going to an unusual party, meeting new people and having fun, or really seeing a wedding in person.///Well, so in 2013 the guys from Triveo Eventos organized their first "fake wedding" - Falsa Boda. The event was a blazing success - it was completely sold out and their Falsa Boda became a hit. The events quickly went viral and the project was featured in various media in Argentina and around the world, not mentioning the social media success. Until now, their fake weddings hosted several thousand people, that attended the event for different reasons - from going to an unusual party, meeting new people and having fun, or really seeing a wedding in person.///V roku 2013 tak chalani z Triveo Eventos zorganizovali prvú “falošnú svadbu” - Falsa Boda. Event mal až nečakane veľký úspech a lístky sa rýchlo vypredali. Ich falošná svadba sa stala hitom a projekt bol medializovaný nielen v celej Argentíne, ale aj vo väčšine svetových médií, nevraviac o sociálnych sieťach. Na ich svadbách sa už zabavilo niekoľko tisíc ľudí, ktorí prišli z rôznych dôvodov - či už len sa zabaviť a spoznať nových ľudí, alebo naozaj si pozrieť svadbu, ktorých počet ubúda.]]
[[Falsa boda became so popular, that they even got a call from Moscow that they want one - and so they organized one there too. :) So, what was the real story of our wedding in Córdoba?///Falsa boda became so popular, that they even got a call from Moscow that they want one - and so they organized one there too. :) So, what was the real story of our wedding in Córdoba?///Boli takí populárni, že ich dokonca zavolali do Moskvy, aby tam tiež zorganizovali “Falsa Boda”. :) Ako to teda bolo naozaj v prípade našej svadby v Córdobe?]]
[[Everything was planned and prepared well before the wedding. The day before, José, Belén and their witnesses - all of them hired actors to do the job, met and sorted out details of the wedding. They tried the dress, practiced the first dance, made a video for social media about the story how they met... :) Just awesome.///Everything was planned and prepared well before the wedding. The day before, José, Belén and their witnesses - all of them hired actors to do the job, met and sorted out details of the wedding. They tried the dress, practiced the first dance, made a video for social media about the story how they met... :) Just awesome.///Úplne všetko bolo dopredu pripravené a naplánované. Ďen dopredu sa José, Belén a ich svedkovia - v skutočnosti najatí herci, stretli a dohodli sa na presnom dianí. Skúšali sa šaty, natáčali sa videá na sociálne siete o tom, ako sa spoznali, dolaďoval sa prvý tanec... Jednoducho do detailov pripravené :)]]
[[The art director was also on a scene and he guided the whole theatre. They practiced the whole ceremony well before the guests arrived.///The art director was also on a scene and he guided the whole theatre. They practiced the whole ceremony well before the guests arrived.///Rovnako si pred svadbou spolu s art directorom prešli a vyskúšali obrad a celkový priebeh svadby. Nič neostalo na náhodu :)]]
[[Left: Art director, Right: Joaquin from Falsa Boda and in the middle - actors.///Left: Art director, Right: Joaquin from Falsa Boda and in the middle - actors.///Naľavo art director, vpravo Joaquin z tímu Falsa Boda a uprostred herci.]]
[[The actors were really convincing. :)///The actors were really convincing. :)///Herci miestami hrali naozaj presvedčivo. :)]]
[[But let's go back to the wedding. After the dramatic ceremony, the rest was a bit more normal :) After another dancing performance and the first dance, the party started... and didn't end until the late morning. :)///But let's go back to the wedding. After the dramatic ceremony, the rest was a bit more normal :) After another dancing performance and the first dance, the party started... and didn't end until the late morning. :)///Naspäť však k samotnej svadbe, ktorá už pokračovala pokojnejšie :) Po obrade nasledoval prvý tanec a zábava až do skorého rána.]]
[[This is probably the strongest power of Falsa Boda - the people had great fun, talked and got to know each other. Overall, I had a feeling that I'm at a real wedding. :)///This is probably the strongest power of Falsa Boda - the people had great fun, talked and got to know each other. Overall, I had a feeling that I'm at a real wedding. :)///Tu je asi najsilnejšia stránka "Falsa boda" - ľudia sa vynikajúco bavili, spoznávali navzájom a celkový pocit som mal naozaj ako na reálnej svadbe. :)]]
[[No wedding could be complete without a bouquet toss.///No wedding could be complete without a bouquet toss.///Hádzanie kyticou nemohlo chýbať.]]
[[Gaston, Joaquin and the whole Falsa Boda team - we want to sincerely thank you so much for having the opportunity of experiencing something that unique, as Falsa Boda is. For your proffesionality, communicativeness and responsibility. But most of all for your friendly approach and the willingness to try our Slovak liquor Slivovica. :)///Gaston, Joaquin and the whole Falsa Boda team - we want to sincerely thank you so much for having the opportunity of experiencing something that unique, as Falsa Boda is. For your proffesionality, communicativeness and responsibility. But most of all for your friendly approach and the willingness to try our Slovak liquor Slivovica. :)///Gaston, Joaquin, a celý tím Falsa Boda - chceme sa vám úprimne poďakovať za možnosť zažiť si niečo tak výnimočné, ako je falošná svadba :) Za vašu profesionalitu, komunikatívnosť a zodpovednosť. Ale samozrejme najviac za kamarátsky prístup... a odvahu ochutnať Slivovicu. :)]]
[[Until next time - and this time, it would be a reall wedding. :)///Until next time - and this time, it would be a reall wedding. :)///Dovidenia na ďalšej, tentokrát už reálnej svadbe. :)]]