Flor and Felipe
Our third wedding happened in Canelones - just about 50km from Uruguay's capital Montevideo.
We first heard about their wedding last year from our dear friend Guillermo, who mentioned our project to his friend Felipe - and he quickly jumped on board and decided to be part of it. :) Much to our surprise, he even knew some Slovak - because he briefly played football for a Slovak team in Trnava. Everything was just perfect. :)
Fast forward to January - we are with our friend Guillermo and his family, going to the wedding of Flor and Felipe, excited. As we arrived at the place, we got excited even more - the place was beautiful, weather just about right and everybody was in a good mood. Let's see the pictures then! :)
Decoration was in subtle and romantic tones of white and pink.
During the cocktail hour, the mood was kept high by the sound of clarinet - and these two little dancers :)
The lucky man, patiently waiting for his beautiful soon-to-be wife. His smile was literally showing us "Here comes the bride". :)
The ceremony took place during a stunning sunset. Colors were amazing, I couldn't imagine better timing.
After the official dance was over, almost everybody joined the newlyweds on the dance floor. Let's get the party started! :)
Later on, they also shared the story of their lives, from early childhood until the most recent moments before the wedding.
It wouldn't be a wedding party without crazy masks and a little surprise for us. Let's see if you notice it on the next pictures.
Oh yes, they are holding the bride and the groom and doing a crowd surfing with a small throws in the air :) Apparently, it is quite normal in Uruguay, so they weren't as surprised as we were. :D
Dancing the whole night is not for everybody. Some of us decided to take a nap. :)
There was a nice touch - you could have left a message for the couple by writing it on this old handmade heart. So Janka decided to help Felipe practice his Slovak and wish them all the best to their future life.
As always, thanks for joining and sharing these beautiful moments with us. Next time, we'll bring you a beautiful wedding deep inside Paraguay. Stay tuned! :)