[[Writing about Buenos Aires has been quite difficult for me. Why? You'll learn that soon enough :)///Writing about Buenos Aires has been quite difficult for me. Why? You'll learn that soon enough :)///O Buenos Aires sa mi píše zatiaľ najťažšie. Prečo? Zistíte o chvíľu sami. :)]][[We spent a whole week here, living with a family of our friend Matias from Couchsurfing, that we hosted before in Slovakia, so we had the perfect opportunity to truly experience the real life in the Argentinian capital. This incredible 15+ million metropolis is so diverse and big, that we spent everyday walking in a different district, all of them significantly different from each other. For hours and hours we walked around with a map in our hands, sometimes just wandering around; many times I was telling Ivan to take a picture of this or that building for me. You know, it's not that South America wouldn't have it's own beautiful architecture, but it was nice walking around this "Paris of South America" :) It's almost impossible not to fall in love with this city./// We spent a whole week here, living with a family of our friend Matias from Couchsurfing, that we hosted before in Slovakia, so we had the perfect opportunity to truly experience the real life in the Argentinian capital. This incredible 15+ million metropolis is so diverse and big, that we spent everyday walking in a different district, all of them significantly different from each other. For hours and hours we walked around with a map in our hands, sometimes just wandering around; many times I was telling Ivan to take a picture of this or that building for me. You know, it's not that South America wouldn't have it's own beautiful architecture, but it was nice walking around this "Paris of South America" :) It's almost impossible not to fall in love with this city./// Strávili sme tu týždeň u rodiny nášho couchsurfera Matiasa, ktorého sme spoznali ešte doma pred cestou, a mali sme tak perfektnú šancu pochopiť argentínsku kultúru a ich spôsob života. Každý deň sme boli v inej časti mesta, ktorá bola niečim výnimočná a fascinujúca. Dlhé hodiny sme sa prechádzali sem a tam, s mapu v ruke, niekedy len tak, a častokrát som nútila Ivana odfotiť nejakú budovu, ktorá ma nadchla svojou architektúrou. Viete, niežeby Južná Amerika nebola krásna ale predsa len človeka poteší poprechádzať sa juhoamerickým Parížom. Bolo takmer nemožné si toto mesto nezamilovať.]]
[[The first day, Klaudia (Matias's mom) with her children were incredibly kind and guided us through the historic "La Boca" part of town, located just next to old port. It was built by Italian immigrants and the main attraction is the beautiful colourful pedestrian zone zone, full of different artists and handicrafts.///The first day, Klaudia (Matias's mom) with her children were incredibly kind and guided us through the historic "La Boca" part of town, located just next to old port. It was built by Italian immigrants and the main attraction is the beautiful colourful pedestrian zone zone, full of different artists and handicrafts.///Prvý deň sa nám veľmi ochotne povenovala Klaudia s deťmi a previedla nás historickou časťou "La Boca", ktorá sa nachádza pri starom prístave. Bola postavená talianskymi imigrantami a jej hlavnou atrakciou je pestrofarebná pešia zóna plná umelcov.]]
San Telmo
[[After La Boca, we moved to San Telmo, the part of Buenos Aires famous for it's tango. You'll find people or shows at many places - performances directly on the street, or as shows in many coffee shops and restaurants. We stayed and watched for a while at the "Plaza Dorrego" square. Right next to it, there's also a famous flea market.///After La Boca, we moved to San Telmo, the part of Buenos Aires famous for it's tango. You'll find people or shows at many places - performances directly on the street, or as shows in many coffee shops and restaurants. We stayed and watched for a while at the "Plaza Dorrego" square. Right next to it, there's also a famous flea market.///Po časti La Boca sme sa presunuli do San Telma, štvrťou preslávenou tangom. Nájdete tu viacero miest, kde tanečníci predvádzajú tango, či už na ulici alebo ako súčasť programu v mnohých kaviarniach a reštauráciách. My sme sa zastavili nahliadnuť na námestí "Plaza Dorrego". Hneď vedľa sa nachádza aj blší trh s rôznymi starožitnosťami.]]
[["The Comic Tour" (Paseo de la Historieta) was created in 2012, after the first statue - "Mafalda" - became a huge success. Mafalda is a comic strip about a small girl, that is concerned with the reality and situation in the world, and is rebelling against the world of the adults, but in an innocent manner. After Mafalda, they added 9 additional statues as a homage to the local humorists. I was quite interested by "Isidoro Cañones" - local playboy from a good family, rich and irresponsible, happy and with tons of charisma. He loves the night life, living in the moment and travelling. No wonder I liked him :)///"The Comic Tour" (Paseo de la Historieta) was created in 2012, after the first statue - "Mafalda" - became a huge success. Mafalda is a comic strip about a small girl, that is concerned with the reality and situation in the world, and is rebelling against the world of the adults, but in an innocent manner. After Mafalda, they added 9 additional statues as a homage to the local humorists. I was quite interested by "Isidoro Cañones" - local playboy from a good family, rich and irresponsible, happy and with tons of charisma. He loves the night life, living in the moment and travelling. No wonder I liked him :)///"Paseo de la Historieta" (Promenáda komiksových príbehov) vznikla v roku 2012 po veľkom úspechu prvej sochy - "Mafaldy" (komiks o malom dievčatku, ktoré je znepokojené situáciou vo svete a vzdoruje svetu dospelých). Následne pridali 9 ďalších sôch, ktoré vzdávajú poctu lokálnym humoristom a sprevádzajú ľudí rôznymi argentínskymi komiksovými postavami. Mňa zaujal "Isidoro Cañones", lokálny playboy - bohatý a nezodpovedný, z dobrej rodiny, veselý a neuveriteľne charizmatický. Miluje nočný život, žiť v danom okamihu a cestovať. Niet divu, že som mu na prvý pohľad podľahla.]]
[["Don Fulgencio" is the inner child, that is hidden in every adult. He represents the old good-natured man, innocent one, that is refusing to grow up; or alternatively a man, that never had a childhood, because he was always chasing his career.///"Don Fulgencio" is the inner child, that is hidden in every adult. He represents the old good-natured man, innocent one, that is refusing to grow up; or alternatively a man, that never had a childhood, because he was always chasing his career.///"Don Fulgencio" predstavuje vnútorné dieťa, ktoré sa skrýva v každom dospelákovi. Reprezentuje starého dobráka, nevinného, ktorý odmieta vyrásť, alebo tiež muža, ktorý nikdy nemal detstvo, pretože sa vždy hnal za kariérou.]]
[[The last one, "Chicas de Divito", showing the stereotype women and fashion of 50s and 60s in Argentina. Sensual, curvy with a thin waist. Beautiful :)///The last one, "Chicas de Divito", showing the stereotype women and fashion of 50s and 60s in Argentina. Sensual, curvy with a thin waist. Beautiful :)///A ako posledné "Chicas de Divito" zobrazujúce stereotyp žien a módy z 50. a 60. rokov v Argentíne. Zmyselné, s plnými krivkami, tenučkým pásom a prekrásne.]]
Don Fulgencio
Chicas de Divito
[[After walking around San Telmo, we continud to the heart of the city, which is also called "microcentro". This is where the majority of historical buildings are.///After walking around San Telmo, we continud to the heart of the city, which is also called "microcentro". This is where the majority of historical buildings are.///Po San Telme sme sa prešli do centra mesta, ktoré je označované ako "microcentro", kde sa nachádza väčšina historických budov.]]
Metropolitan Cathedral
Metropolitan Cathedral
Casa Rosada
Congreso Nacional
[[El Ateneo - a bookshop made in an old theater from 1919. The Guardian placed it as the second most beautiful bookshop in the world. We absolutely loved it.///El Ateneo - a bookshop made in an old theater from 1919. The Guardian placed it as the second most beautiful bookshop in the world. We absolutely loved it.///El Ateneo - kníhkupectvo v priestoroch starého divadla, nám jednoznačne učarovalo. Britský The Guardian ho označil ako druhé najkrajšie kníhkupectvo na svete.]]
[[We had a quick look inside the shopping mall "Galerías Pacífico", known by a beautiful fresque.///We had a quick look inside the shopping mall "Galerías Pacífico", known by a beautiful fresque.///Nakukli sme aj do nákupného centra "Galerías Pacífico" známeho krásnou freskou.]]
[[One day, we couldn't resist and went to see the oldest coffeehouse in the city, "Café Tortoni", that was a favourite of many artists, including Jorge Luis Borges, Luigi Pirandello, Federico García Lorca aj Julio Cortázar. You can go and see tango show in the evening here, too :)///One day, we couldn't resist and went to see the oldest coffeehouse in the city, "Café Tortoni", that was a favourite of many artists, including Jorge Luis Borges, Luigi Pirandello, Federico García Lorca aj Julio Cortázar. You can go and see tango show in the evening here, too :)///Jedného dňa sme neodolali a navštívili sme najstaršiu kaviareň v meste - "Café Tortoni", ktorú obľubovali viacerí umelci, vrátane spisovateľov Jorge Luis Borges, Luigi Pirandello, Federico García Lorca aj Julio Cortázar. Večer tu bývajú aj predstavenia tanga.]]
[[During our endless walks around the city, I fell in love with "Palacio Español" - it's roof mosaic reminded me of Alfons Mucha. I have yet to find out who was the author.///During our endless walks around the city, I fell in love with "Palacio Español" - it's roof mosaic reminded me of Alfons Mucha. I have yet to find out who was the author.///Popri nekonečnom prechádzaní sa mestom mi učaroval "Palacio Español" (Španielsky palác), ktorého stropná mozaika mi pripomenula Alfonsa Muchu. Zatiaľ som sa nedopátrala, kto bol naozaj autorom.]]
Palacio Espanol
[[The first evening in Buenos Aires, we went for a walk to the river and enjoyed the sunset with a view on the modern financial district and the "Woman's bridge" ("Puente de la Mujer").///The first evening in Buenos Aires, we went for a walk to the river and enjoyed the sunset with a view on the modern financial district and the "Woman's bridge" ("Puente de la Mujer").///V prvý večer sme sa prešli k rieke a vychutnali si západ slnka s výhľadom na modernú finančnú štvrť a most "Puente da la Mujer" (Most Ženy).]]
Bridge - Puente de la Mujer
[[If you think this is all from Buenos Aires, you're wrong - there's one more article on the way :) We still have to see the famous La Recoleta cemetery, incredible parks and many other interesting places. Hope to see you soon, my friends :)///If you think this is all from Buenos Aires, you're wrong - there's one more article on the way :) We still have to see the famous La Recoleta cemetery, incredible parks and many other interesting places. Hope to see you soon, my friends :)///Báli ste sa, že je to všetko z Buenos Aires? Ale kdeže, ešte máme jeden pripravený, veď sme ešte nevideli preslávený cintorín La Recoleta, prekrásne parky a kopu ďalších zaujímavých miest. Dúfam, že sa vidíme opäť čoskoro, priatelia. :) (Ivanova poznámka - ak nebudeme leniví prekladať články, tak áno :) )]]