Extending the temporary export of your Chilean car

As more people asked for this, I am posting here simple instructions how to extend export permit for your Chilean car - apparently they changed the formular I used, but the process should be the same. Generally, you can leave Chile with your car for 180 days, you can request an extension for another 180 days. If you don't and stay longer, you risk getting a fine (not sure how big, never found anyone who actually paid it). If you plan on doing this, do it as soon as possible after leaving Chile, it could take months to get, because the Aduana officers take really long time to respond.

Information valid as of January 2017. If you find this useful or need any more information or help, give us some love at our facebook page :) - facebook.com/weddingtravellers 

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The final extension and the form on aduana.cl website

The final extension and the form on aduana.cl website


  1. Go to http://ribes.aduana.cl/Formularios/Ciudadanos1 and fill the form Informacion General and Datos Estadísticos with your data. The "OIRS a la que dirige la solicitud (*)" should be the region of Chile where you exited Chile the last time. If you crossed to Bolivia like us (San Pedro de Atacama), it's Antofagasta region.
  2. Now it's the part for your request. You have to write a reason why you need more time abroad. Simply and politely stating that you need more time to see this beautiful continent and you're already abroad and couldn't return in time should be enough. Be polite and say you'd be returning back to Chile. Write down also all the data, just to make sure - passport number, RUT, Padrón and number of your temporary export permit from the border ("T.S.T.V - Título Salida Temporal de Vehículos") are the important ones. I included as much as I could in case they needed anything else to speed up the process.
  3. Important: write your e-mail address there as well, it could save you a lot of trouble! In the end of this article, I'll include my complete request + a sample text together with all the data, so you can copy and modify it to your needs (might contain some errors, my Spanish is not perfect :) ) 
  4. Make a zip archive with photos of all the documents that you can think of. Passport, RUT, Padrón, Temporary export permit (T.S.T.V) is needed. Don't forget to include the file in "Adjuntar Archivos a Solicitud" section.
  5. Hit Enviar(send) and hope that someone will actually read it and reply. You should receive an e-mail confirmation, our stated that they have 10 days to give you a response. You can check the state of your request here: http://ribes.aduana.cl/Consulta/Consulta
  6. Ideal case - you get contacted by an Aduana officer saying everything is okay and here you are. Maybe he'll need you to send him the photos of some documents again, from your personal e-mail - if he does, send them. Profit. The end.
  7. If nothing happens (our case) - either write another request through the form, asking about your previous request (we did) or try to contact one of the officers directly, I'll include their e-mails at the end of this post. They can take a long time, wait for the reply for a few days and then politely write more e-mails until you get an answer. The end (hopefully).

Our experience

It took us three months of e-mailing back and forth,  apparently the aduana officer proactively found some e-mail on our webpage that we included in request(sigh), that we don't use and sent us e-mail there asking us for the photos of the documents. The ones we included... That's why it's crucial to include your e-mail address, apparently they resend it to the corresponding officer without it...
We immediately e-mailed them to him, then: 1. waited a week for an answer; 2. sent a polite reminder with a copy to all our aduana contacts; 3; repeated. This went on for almost three months, at the end of which we finally got our extension - with a wrong expiry date, they gave us 3 months instead of 6. One last e-mail and everything was corrected and done.

Useful contacts

  • bsorensen@aduana.cl - Barbara Sorensen Maldonado, Dirección Nacional de Aduanas - She was the one that we included in every message when we did not get an answer, politely asking and explaining that we are waiting for the extension. She tried to help and forwarded my e-mails to corresponding officers and asking them to have a look at it.
  • A list of different contacts from Aduana at Antofagasta, that replied us withing the three months. In the end, I just included all of them in the list of receipments of my e-mails: acruz@aduana.cl, daraya@aduana.cl, darrieta@aduana.cl. The last one (darrieta@aduana.cl) - Diego Arrieta Hidalgo - was the one to send me the final extension.

Sample text for your extension request:

La solicitud de prorrogar la salida temporal de vehículo
Quisieramos pedirle considerar nuestra solicitud de prorrogar nuestra salida temporal de vehículo de 6 meses a 12 meses. Estamos viajando en América del Sur por un largo tiempo y necesitamos más tiempo para descubrir la belleza de los diferentes paises y disfrutar nuestro tiempo aquí. Ahora estamos en Perú y lamentablemente no podemos volver a Chile dentre del vencimiento y estamos ciertos que para ver el resto de Sudamérica (Perú, Ecuador y Colombia) y luego volver a Chile con nuestro vehiculo necesitamos más tiempo. 
Por estos razones queríamos prorrogar nuestra salida temporal de vehículo.
Muchas gracias y nuestros saludos cordiales,
Your name here
Your e­-mail address here
Your data (padron,passport,rut, etc etc - look below) here

Sample text n.2 (not ours)

Other request from another traveller(Aleksey) that helped us (hope it's okay):
Señor / Señora
Me dirijo a usted para hacer una solicitud de prórroga de la Salida y Admision Temporal de Vehículos de mi coche comprado en Chile. Estoy viajando en Sudamérica con el coche. Actualmente estoy en Colombia, y no puedo regresar a Chile antes del vencimiento de la Salida y Admision Temporal de Vehículos. Por esta razón, estoy solicitando que mi prórroga de 180 días se amplíe a un año.
Mi RUT es: 48161016­8
Cuando recibí mi RUT y compré mi coche tenía una visa de turista (ver sello), actualmente no mantengo esa visa. Como no es posible para mi realizar la ampliación en una aduana chilena me gustaría saber cómo puedo realizar el trámite a distancia (vía correo ordinario o correo electrónico). Por favor, indíquenme cuales son las gestiones que debo realizar.
Adjunto a este correo:
• Foto del pasaporte • Foto del sello de la visa • Padrón de vehículo • Salida y Admisión Temporal de Vehículos • Permiso de conducir de Reino Unido • Permiso de conducir internacional
Muchas Gracias para su ayuda, quedo a la espera de una pronta respuesta.
Note - he had more luck and his mails weren't lost, but it took him a few weeks nevertheless.

Our request:

La solicitud de prorrogar la salida temporal de vehículo
Quisieramos pedirle considerar nuestra solicitud de prorrogar nuestra salida temporal de vehículo de 6 meses a 12 meses. Estamos viajando por un largo tiempo y con nuestro proyecto (documentamos los matrimonios y sus tradiciones locales de diferentes paises gratis, nuestra página weddingtravellers.com) necesitamos más tiempo para descubrir la belleza de paises y tambien para encontrar los matrimonios. Ahora estamos en Perú y lamentablemente no podemos volver a Chile y estamos ciertos que para ver el resto de Sudamérica (Perú, Ecuador y Colombia) necesitamos más tiempo.
Por estos razones queríamos prorrogar nuestra salida temporal de vehículo.

Los detalles del documento (...STV) son también en el adjunto:
Numero de doc: H5910124/29.05.16
Apellido: Bustor
Nombre: Ivan
RUT: Your rut number
Pasaporte: BI1234567
Nacionalidad: Eslovaquia
Domicilio Pais de Origen: Your Street, Bratislava, Eslovaquia
Domicilio Chile: Lira 140, Santiago de Chile
Vehiculo: Station Wagon STW
Patente: UN-9055, Chile
Marca: Nissan Pathfinder 3.3
Año de fabricación: 2001
Nro Motor: VG12345678
Nro Chassis: ABCDEFG123456
Color: Blanco
Salida de Aduana en Chile: 25.11.2016 por Dirección Regional de Aduana Antofagasta, avanzada San Pedro de Atacama
Muchas gracias y nuestros saludos cordiales,
Ivan Bustor - weddingtravellers.com