Buenos Aires II

[[Continuing with previous post about Buenos Aires  - One of the most popular places to visit in Buenos Aires is "La Recoleta", the famous cemetery of important and rich people, including Eva Peron (Evita), whose tomb is a major tourist attraction... First I wasn't sure why, maybe because she was a wife of a president, came from a poor family, worked her way up, founded her own charity organization, supported women´s right to vote...  Ok, It's easy to see why :) Nevertheless we decided to walk around the cemetery and try to locate her tomb.///Continuing with previous post about Buenos Aires  - One of the most popular places to visit in Buenos Aires is "La Recoleta", the famous cemetery of important and rich people, including Eva Peron (Evita), whose tomb is a major tourist attraction... First I wasn't sure why, maybe because she was a wife of a president, came from a poor family, worked her way up, founded her own charity organization, supported women´s right to vote...  Ok, It's easy to see why :) Nevertheless we decided to walk around the cemetery and try to locate her tomb.///Pokračovanie predchádzajúceho článku o Buenos Aires - v nasledujúcich dňoch sme sa poprechádzali po známom cintoríne "La Recoleta", kde sú pochovaní slávni a bohatí ľudia, vrátane Evy Perón (Evita), za ktorou sa všetci hnali. Najprv som si nebola istá prečo, možno kvôli tomu, že bola manželkou prezidenta, pochádzala z chudobnej rodiny, sama sa vypracovala, založila vlastnú charitatívnu organizáciu, podporovala hnutie za právo žien voliť... hmmm, vlastne uz asi chápem prečo. V každom ohľade, my sme sa najprv poprechádzali a potúlali okolím a až na záver sme sa rozhodli zistit, kam sa tam všetci ženú.]]


[[But La Recoleta is not only about the famous cemetery - you'll find many interesting things to see in this barrio. For example, this is a law falculty that caught my eye just a few minutes after we left the cemetery.///But La Recoleta is not only about the famous cemetery - you'll find many interesting things to see in this barrio. For example, this is a law falculty that caught my eye just a few minutes after we left the cemetery.///V časti "La Recoleta" nenájdete len slávny cintorín, ale iné zaujímavé miesta. Mňa hneď na úvod upútala právnická fakulta so zaujímavou architektúrou.]]


[[Another thing that caught us by surprise was Floralis Genérica - a modern steel & aluminium sculpture. It looks quite majestic on its own - and then you learn that the whole sculpture moves! It opens its petals in the morning, follows the sun and closes them in the evening #socool. It was a donation from Argentinian architect Eduardo Catalano - he once said, that it's a synthesis of all the flowers and symbolizes the hope of being reborn every day when it opens. It's located at the "United Nations" square - Plaza de las Naciones Unidas.///Another thing that caught us by surprise was Floralis Genérica - a modern steel & aluminium sculpture. It looks quite majestic on its own - and then you learn that the whole sculpture moves! It opens its petals in the morning, follows the sun and closes them in the evening #socool. It was a donation from Argentinian architect Eduardo Catalano - he once said, that it's a synthesis of all the flowers and symbolizes the hope of being reborn every day when it opens. It's located at the "United Nations" square - Plaza de las Naciones Unidas.///V neďalekom parku nás prekvapila "Floralis Genérica", moderná socha kvetiny, ktorá sa počas dňa otáčala za slnkom a postupne otvárala a zatvárala lupienky ako iné kvetinky. Venoval ju mestu argentínsky architekt Eduardo Catalano, ktorý raz povedal, že je syntézou všetkých kvetov a zároveň predstavuje nádej v znovuzrodenie každý deň pri otvorení. Nachádza sa na "Námestí Spojených Národov" (Plaza de las Naciones Unidas, Avenida Figueroa Alcorta).]]


[[The evening was coming, so we headed to the beautiful botanic garden with a rose garden in it. It looked more like a huge park than a botanic garden :) It is a very popular spot for relaxing, sports & activities and... cats.///The evening was coming, so we headed to the beautiful botanic garden with a rose garden in it. It looked more like a huge park than a botanic garden :) It is a very popular spot for relaxing, sports & activities and... cats.///Prešli sme sa aj krásnou botanickou záhradou s ružovou záhradou, ktorá sa viac podobala na veľký park. Je obľúbeným miestom na oddych, šport a... mačky.]]


[[Buenos Aires is directly on the border with Uruguay, so after a few thousand kilometres, it's time for us to say goodbye to Argentina. Well, for now - so far we've covered the more popular, southern part - two months later, we came back and explored the famous Ruta 40, driving through central & northern Argentina. But that will come later :)///Buenos Aires is directly on the border with Uruguay, so after a few thousand kilometres, it's time for us to say goodbye to Argentina. Well, for now - so far we've covered the more popular, southern part - two months later, we came back and explored the famous Ruta 40, driving through central & northern Argentina. But that will come later :)///Buenos Aires leží na hranici s Uruguajom, takže po niekoľko tisíc kilometroch sa lúčime s Argentínou a pokračujeme ďalej. Dolná polovica Argentíny - check. Vrátime sa sem ešte o dva mesiace a prejdeme si menej navštevovanú časť - zo stredu na sever slávnou cestou Ruta 40.]] 

[[Next stop: Uruguay :)//Next stop: Uruguay :)//Ďalšia zastávka: Uruguaj. :)]]